After reading android developer official guide Signing Your Applications I was a little bit confused what exactly I have to do for signing app.
Basically process of signing apps includes five steps:
Show keystore info
Export signed apk with Eclipse
Basically process of signing apps includes five steps:
- Create your keystore;
- Prepare app for signing (removing logs, increment version etc);
- Export app as unsigned apk;
- Sign apk;
- Run zipalign tool.
- Do it manually from command line;
- Use ANT script;
- Do it with the help of wizard in Eclipse.
Eclipse wizard will do 3-5 steps automatically.
So the fastest way to sign apk is to:
- Create your keystore;
- Prepare app for signing (removing logs, increment version etc);
- Export signed apk with Eclipse.
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore APPNAME.key -alias APPNAME -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000Check if JAVA_HOME is set or find keytool executable file in bin folder of Java.
Show keystore info
$ keytool -list -v -keystore afit.key
Export signed apk with Eclipse
Right click on project > Android Tools > Export Signed Application Package... > and follow wizards instructions.
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